举办时间:2018-09-28 — 2018-09-30
国外 — 日本
Greetings from Aakar Exhibition Pvt Ltd…..!Aakar Exhibition Pvt Ltd 印度国际电梯展组委会诚挚问候!
我们很高兴通知您印度国际电梯设备展会将在2018年9月28到30日于新德里开展。​Asia Elevator Escalator Expo 2018,& will play a crucial role in the growth and& development of the India's booming Elevator industry, with a truly comprehensive range of global products and brands interested in Country.随着印度电梯行业爆发式增长,2018亚洲国际电梯设备展会将在企业全球采购和品牌推广中扮演重要角色。
AEEE 2018& will be an& International level& exhibition presenting the largest gathering of Elevator and Escalator industry players, to showcase the industries' supply chain, ranging from Lift Manufacturers to Allied Products who actively service,& across the globe.
印度电梯设备展会AEEE2018 聚集了电梯和自动扶梯产业界的展商和采购商,为电梯行业全球化产业链提供服务与支持。
With its comprehensive showcase,& AEEE 2018& is the ideal one-stop platform for industry professionals and stakeholders, to source for suppliers and vendors, in addition to exploring lucrative business opportunities around the world.
印度电梯设备展会AEEE2018 提供了一站式电梯行业采购平台,为展商提供全球电梯采购市场。
AEEE 2018& is designed in such a manner which includes& trade show,& educational seminars& && workshops, special programs.& It has been designed to provide a forum where Manufacturer and Suppliers, and buyers of& Builders, Developers, Architects, Service Consultants, Corporate, Governments Contractors and Elevator Escalators Component Suppliers& can meet on common ground and conduct business.
It will be an immense pleasure to have your esteemed organization sharing the platform with us in AEEE 2018.& AEEE 2018.十分荣幸诚邀您莅临2018印度亚洲国际电梯设备展会,希望我们携手共筑,开拓电梯行业新篇章!
We invite you, to be part of the success story, turning into a History to be written together on a platform created, for the entire industry.
该展会由印度德里电梯协会,古吉拉特邦电梯协会和世界电梯联合会主办,印度展览公司AAKAR承办,每年举办一次,享有良好声誉及品牌影响力。印度国际电梯展览会(AEEE)展会无论是从展会规模、参展面积、展商范围以及专业观众人数上,都有显著的提升。从官方数据来看,上届展会的参展商来自世界的 17 个不同国家与地区,35000 人的专业观众则来自 10 余个不同国家与地区,这些都体现出了印度国际电梯展的国际化程度,这也是我公司组织中国电梯企业参展的重要原因之一。这些都体现出了印度国际电梯展的国际化程度。该展会为中国电梯企业进一步了解和融入印度及整个南亚市场搭建了有利平台。