
2018年3月22日 — 3月26日,苏州,昆山花桥国际博览中心
发布时间:2017-06-05 09:23:48浏览:885


举办时间:2018-03-22 — 2018-03-26

举办展馆: 昆山花桥国际博览中心

主办单位:中国国际贸易促进委员会汽车行业协会 昆山市人民** 东部博览集团


协办单位:东部展览(上海)有限公司 江苏中品国际会展有限公司

展会地区: 汽摩配件

展会城市: 江苏苏州


让智能拥抱传统 让科技创造未来 Embracing Tradition with Intelligence, Creating Future with Technology 2018 国际智能汽车(昆山)博览会(以下简称“WIVEXPO2018”)由中国国际贸易促进委员会汽车行业分会、昆山市人民**、东部博览集团联合主办,东部展览(上海)有限公司具体筹办的一项智能汽车领域的前沿科技博览会。 2018& World& Intelligent& Vehicles& Expo(hereinafter& referred& to& as& WIVEXPO2018)& is& a& top& technological& fair& in& the& field& of& intelligent& vehicles.& It& is& co-hosted& by& China& Council& for& the& Promotion& of& International& Trade,& Automotive& Sub-Council,& the& People’s& Government& of& Kunshan& and& East& Exhibitions& while& mainly& organized& by& East& Exhibition(Shanghai)& Co.,& Ltd. 在工信部推动“以信息化带动工业化、以工业化促进信息化”的两化融合战略的同时,互联网+正上升为国家战略,汽车与信息技术跨界生长,新能源与智能化成为推动汽车工业进化的两股力量;在微观层面,移动互联网全面侵袭现代人生活的方方面面,手机智能化推动了人们对生活场景智能化的强烈期待,汽车的智能化时代已然到来,这是汽车工业的革命年代,更是智能革命与汽车制造业的一次进化生长。 With the promotion of two integration strategies of “Industrialization Driven By Informatization, Informatization Promoted By Industrialization” by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, Internet+ becomes a national strategy. As automobile and information & technology grow cross border, new resources and intelligence have been two forces driving the evolution of automotive industry. From micro aspect, with the widespread influence of mobile Internet in every aspects of modern life, mobile intelligence boosts human’s high expectations toward intelligent life scenes, thus a era for intelligent vehicles has arrived. It is not only a revolution for automobile industry, but also a evolution for intelligence and automobile manufacturing. WIVEXPO2018在国家工信部力推的“以信息化带动工业化、以工业化促进信息化”的“两化融合”战略思想指导下,将“新能源”和“智能化”作为主题方向,旨在倡导将**、个性、舒适、安全、健康、便捷等元素刷新人们对驾驶的体验,推动汽车工业进化的创新力量。 Under the guidance of strategic thought “Industrialization Driven by Informatization, Informatization Promoted by Industrialization” by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, WIVEXPO2018 themes on new resource and intelligence, and aims at refreshing people’s driving experience through encouraging new elements such as passion, individuality, comfort, safe, health and convenience and so on, in order to drive innovation force for automobile industry evolution. 一场视觉的盛宴 一次科技的洗礼 A Feast for Eyes A Revolution of Technology 在汽车智能化不断普及的今天,WIVEXPO2018邀请院士、专家、企业家、投资人、传媒等社会各界人士齐聚一堂,对汽车智能化的技术、市场应用、政策、标准展开探讨、交流和沟通,为智能汽车行业搭建起一个交流的大舞台。 Nowadays, with the popularities of intelligent vehicles, WIVEXPO2018 will invite academicians, specialists, entrepreneurs, investors and media from all sectors of society to join the fair, and explore, exchange and communicate ideas, providing a communication platform for intelligent vehicle industry. WIVEXPO2018活动亮点 Event Highlights of WIVEXPO2018 2018国际智能汽车国际高峰论坛 International Summit Forum on 2018 World Intelligent Vehicle 智能汽车技术及应用市场专业研讨会 Seminar on Intelligent Vehicle Technology and Application Market 2018智能汽车行业年度评选暨颁奖典 Annual Award Ceremony of 2018 Intelligent Vehicle Industry 国际智能汽车主题体验馆 Thematic and Experience Hall of International Intelligent Vehicle 智能汽车特邀试驾会 Special Test-drive of Intelligent Vehicles 国际化、规模化程度最高的智能汽车业界盛会 An International and Large-scale Event in Intelligent Vehicle Industry 世界智能汽车制造最新技术的展示和发布平台 A Platform for Displaying and Releasing Latest Technology of World Intelligent Vehicles 全球最前沿行业标准论证及市场资讯集散中 A Center for World Forefront Industry Standard Verification and Market Information Distribution 为客户连结生意良缘 Connecting business opportunities for customers 为用户寻求智车伴侣 Seeking intelligent vehicle mate for drivers 为行业展望前景归宿 Looking into foreground for intelligent vehicle industry 覆盖智能全产业链、奉献优质宣传平台 Covering Intelligent Industry Chains,Offering Excellent Advertising Platform 国际高峰论坛及交流研讨会20+ International Summit Forum and Seminar 20+ 展览总面积80000+ Total exhibition area 80000+ 国内外专业观众60000+ Visitors from home and abroad 60000+ 覆盖国家及地区16+ Cover countries and areas 16+ 发展全球展览业合作伙伴16+ Develop global exhibition cooperation partners 16+ 拓展业务往来国别及地区20+ Develop business countries and areas 邀请驻华使节及商务参赞32+ Invite foreign diplomatic envoys 参展企业 Exhibitor 乘用车、商用车制造厂、商家 Plants and sellers of passenger cars and commercial vehicles 汽车及相关产品设计、开发机构 Design & development institutions of automobile and relevant products 汽车零部件制造厂、商家 Auto parts manufacturing factory and sellers 汽车改装、维修、检测厂 Plants of auto modification, repair and testing 汽车装饰用品、消费品商家 Sellers of auto decorations and consuming goods 金融服务机构 Financial service organization 汽车行业相关媒体、互联网企业 Media and Internet enterprise of auto industry 智能驱动创新 科技引领未来 Intelligence Drives Innovation / Technology Leads Future WIVEXPO2018论坛议题 WIVEXPO2018 Forum Topic 国际智能汽车大会 International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles 国际智能汽车开发者峰会 International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles Developer 中国智能汽车行业智库专家及CEO高端对话 Conversation between Think Tank Specialist and CEO of Chinese Intelligent Vehicles Industry 新常态下智能汽车行业的前沿动态与发展机遇 Frontier Trends and Development Opportunity of Intelligent Vehicles under the New Normal 制造商创新技术路线图与核心竞争力提升策略 Innovation Technology Roadmap and Core Competitive Promotion Strategy of Manufacturers 智能汽车产品市场营销策略与行业互联网金融 Marketing Strategy and Internet Finance of Intelligent Vehicles 智能汽车关键技术发展趋势 Key Technology of Intelligent Vehicles development Tendency 智能改装车专题研讨会 Symposium of Intelligent Refitted Vehicles 智能汽车+车联网技术 Intelligent Vehicles + IOV Technology 智能汽车无人驾驶+卫星导航 Driverless Intelligent Vehicles CDM机制及国际产融资本渠道分享 Share of CDM & International Industry and Financial Capital Mode


Booth fee

光地展位 Custom-built booth
36m2-180 m2 RMB 650元/ m2
超出180 m2部分(≥180 m2) RMB 600元/ m2
标准展位 Standard booth
普通标准展位费Ordinary Standard Booth Fee RMB 800元/ m2
升级标准展位费Upgrade Standard Booth Fee RMB 1,000元/ m2

Custom-built is only for showground, exclusive any power facilities, service, booth siding and furniture. Exhibitors should be responsible for booth built and management fee.
Standard booth built: booth siding, lighting, power, carpet, small furniture and cleaning service.


东部展览(上海)有限公司/ East Exhibition(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
电话/ Tel:(+86)021-5910 8168 传真/ Fax:(+86)021-6999 3189
邮箱/ E-mail:2880328608@qq.com 网址/ Website:www.wivexpo.com
General Affairs Office of the Organizing Committee: Alex Ma (+86)18701712449