
2018年5月18日 — 5月19日,深圳,大中华展览中心 大中华会展展馆
发布时间:2018-01-26 17:00:36浏览:115


举办时间:2018-05-18 — 2018-05-19

举办展馆: 大中华展览中心 大中华会展展馆




展会地区: 房产家居

展会城市: 广东深圳


2018年中国(深圳)房地产投资博览会春季展(以下简称房投会)将在深圳大中**际交易广场一楼举办,大会将吸引全球:泰国、法国、澳大利亚、西班牙、美国、塞浦路斯、加拿大、英国、德国、新加坡、新西兰、韩国、葡萄牙等国家和地区的60多家海外房产及移民机构参展,集中展示高品质地产项目和服务。根据上届数据统计,我们预测2018到场专业观众为3万人。展会为期2天,展出面积达5000平方米。由于2017房投会展受到**部门和各相关行业的一致好评,是被广大参展商、投资者所高度认可的国际化高端房产盛会,相信2018房投会也一样能够成为中国华南地区规模最大和行业认知度最高的国际交易平台,珠三角地区展出最重要,专业观众最多,最具影响力的展会,成为广大中外展商的首选展会。观众不仅可尽享优惠的签约政策,还可参与各类抽奖活动收获礼品,同时聆听多场场海外置业、海外投资、投资移民推介会,获得海量的海外置业及移民信息。 The Shenzhen Real Estate Expo 2017 Spring(SREX 2017) was successfully held at the Shenzhen Great China International Exchange Square in May 2017. It attracted over 60 overseas property and immigration agencies from many countries and regions including Thailand, France, Australia, Spain, America, Canada, Britain, Germany, Singapore, New Zealand, South Korea, Portugal and Cyprus. At the exhibition, high-quality property projects and services were exhibited. According to statistics, the Exhibition had 35366professional visitors and 200 foreign exhibitors; altogether about 150 orders of intention were signed; the transaction amounts reached up to USD 40 million. Eighty percent of the exhibitors were satisfied with the Exhibition, which was also highly praised by relevant government departments and businesses. With such success, The SREX 2018 is decided to be held in the same city- the fastest developing city in China-- Shenzhen, in order to let more rich investors find their target property projects and help more great real estate projects to be showed to target buyers. Lasted for 2 days with an exhibition area of up to 5 000Sqm. It is considered as a highly recognized international industry event by most exhibitors, investors and agents. Currently, regarded as the same as SREX 2017, the SREX 2018 is the largest and the most highly recognized international transaction platform in Southern China and the largest exhibition in the Southern Region, with the most visitors, the greatest influence and a preferential exhibition of Chinese and foreign exhibitors.




电 话:021-3126 1267
E-mail: info@chinarealestateshow.com
上一页:2018第七届深圳金融商博会(China Forex Expo)
下一页:第十三届中国北京国际文化创意产业博览会 时尚创意文化展